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Saturday, September 6

All Week Long.....

We started school this week and we are having a little bit of a struggle to get into the groove. The boys are doing well though, I think the structure does something for everyone. I feel, just a bit more in control. I love my kids so much and want them to grow up happy and confident.

I have been watching as my friends send their kids off to school and sometimes I second guess my decision to keep them at home. It is hard because you feel this enormous pressure to educate them on a high level, plus you feel like all eyes are on you and your kids to see if they are normal and SOCIALIZED{ I despise this word}. I make every effort to get my children involved in all sorts of groups and sport activity's. Does this help them know how to deal with their peers? Maybe. I feel that my example as to how I deal with them and others in life is the best teacher. { I need to stop shouting}.

Home schooling is a big life changing choice. A friend of mine e-mailed this article to me and it was pretty much on target for how I feel about home schooling. Read it if you dare. I hope our house is full of the love of learning.

YEA!!! 'Whole Foods' is here in town. Blake and I went on a little outing to by produce, blue corn tortillas and chick peas. We had fun. "Trader Joe's" will be opening in the next month. I will keep you posted. Maryann come and visit, better yet move here.
I was grinding wheat for bread and when I turned around someone, I am not sure who left a calling card of sorts. I guess they are happy about the bread?
My good friend Beth had her baby. We went and visited. The boys thought the baby was so cute. As we were about to leave and I was gathering the kids up. Claire piped up and said," Let's take the baby home." I said,"No, this is not our baby. Say Good-bye." She was not happy.

This is Claire's friend Riley. They play really well together.


Suzie Soda said...

Very cute pictures.....time for another baby of your own :) EASY for a peri-menopausal women to say, huh?

Nicole said...

I don't think that socializing has to be a dirty word. In my own experience in sending my kids to school, I find that they are presented with all kinds of challenges and choices I would never dream of. You absolutely should model for and continue to teach your kids the way that they should respond to life situations. You use the gospel as a framework of standards that they should learn and embrace. Our Heavenly Father is a perfect person that could have just kept us all with him and modeled for us the kind of people we ought to be. Alas, that was not the plan. We had to leave his presence to grow and learn. I am not saying that sending your kids to school is the only way to gain experience and grow. I just know that with my own kids, it has afforded them many growth opportunties that as a mother I can not give them. Call it what you will, but socialization, or trials, or adversity, or whatever name you want to give it is a way for us to grow.

Laurene Ross said...

I agree thet trails and adversity are extremly important. I really appretiate your comment on our "Fathers Plan" I know that in order to grow we must have experience on our own, without hand holding. I love the experience that you gave of Drake and walking home from school. I do, however think that we all come to our experience in different ways and by different means. The Lord knows each one of us and has a personal plan for each. Hopefully the plan that I have for teaching my children is tailor made for them. I have spent many hours in earnest prayer asking for guidence on this subject. Thank you so much for your insight. I have a high regard for you and I am so glad that you read my blog and can get to know me a little better. As I read your comments on my blog , Michelle's and Brad's I get a glimpse of who you are. { You should really Get a blog. You write so well}

janet said...

glad to hear that you struggle with your decision to homeschool.. because it's a daily battle for me. It's harder when the get older--

Going back to school for me as a child was exciting and thrilling, but my kids aren't even aware that for others summer has ended. I don't know if that's a good thing or not, but I feel like they are missing out. And then there's the guilt of not feeling like you're teaching them ALL that they need to know.

janet said...

ps. I forgot to mention how CUTE the newborn pictures were. Looks like little Claire needs to be a big sister :) or not.

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