About Me
1.Places I have Lived:
1. Lakewood, CA
2. Cape Girardeau, MO
3. St.Louis, Mo
4. Rexburg,ID
5. Sacramento,CA
6. Provo , Orem, UT
7. SLC, UT
8. Brighton, CO
9. Richmond,VA
2.Jobs I have Had:
1.A lot of baby sitting
2. House cleaning business { Fortners and McCalahans, Thanks Mom and Dad for driving me}
3. Tele-marketer State Farm insurance
4. Central Hardware, again Mom & Dad driving me( to this day the smell of wood and paint make me smile)
5. Waitress: JB's, Chi Chi's. Frontier Pies, Brother Oliver's, Casa de something{downtown Provo}
6. Accountant {book keeper} Steven Brown
7.Limited express {Sales}
8.Nu Skin, Customer Service{ I talked to a lot of Chinese people}
9.Estee Lauder cosmetics { Wienstocks}
10. Lancome Cosmetics, Area Manager all of Cosmetics{ZCMI}
11. Lancome Cosmetics Account Rep, area Manager all of cosmetics { Foleys}
12. Ultimate Electronics Salesperson
13.Fragrance Sales { Nordstrom}
14. Teaching Golf and tennis to 3 to 10 year olds.
15. The Best for last! MOM, Love it!
3.Four Movies That I Love:
1.Hoosiers "I love you guys" Remember the Titans { I know two, but I love a good sports movie} Oh yea " Rudy" I love this one!
2.Seven Brides For Seven Brothers, Music Man { what can I say I love musicals}
3. Mr. Roberts, Bridge Over the River Kwai, Great Escape{ Sad ending} Early war movies, there is one with Gary Cooper that I love he is a sharp shooter, Dad Help me out here? "Sargent York"
4. His Girl Friday, Philadelphia Story, {Not Tom Hanks, but Cary Grant,& Jimmy Stewart} "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" Hepburn & Tracy
oK I lied 5.......
5."Thirteen days"Awesome Cuban missile crisis story anything political as long as it is not rated R
...one more ..." Pride and Prejudice" A&E version six hours of shear delight
4. Food I Love:
1. Mexican
3.Really good Italian{ Anything Diane Vartuli makes}
4.Roasted Vegetables { asparagus, mushrooms, tomatoes, garlic, and red peppers}
5.Four weird things about me:
1.I love to win Pie eating contest{ I have won three, against men too, yes I am proud of this}
2. I sometimes scream in the car when I am alone( you should try it, it totally helps)
3.I have been chased down by a small giraffe, I lived to tell the tale.
4.I used to be scared of Big Foot, OK I lied I still am, Happy! {I live in the freaking woods}
6. Favorite TV Shows:
1.I don't really have one, I do enjoy "Psych"
2. I only watch because Skip likes to.
7.Four places I would love to go:
1. Israel "The Holy Land"
2. Ruins in South America
3. Italy, Greece
4.New Zealand
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