Claire's 2nd Birthday
Sam helped with the decorations, it was his idea to put the pink balloons in the tulle. Claire received play dough, her brothers and her built snakes, balls and Sam created a blue beard. She also got a little doggy she named Jane. Claire's friends gave her kitchen stuff to make soup, she made some for me.
She is so cute. I think she looks like both you and Skip. I hope that she had a great Birthday. She looks like she was having fun. Is that one of Skips shirts? I thought they were all in the "pile". Anyway, tell Claire to fix me something yummy with her new kitchen items and tell Sam that I love the balloons in the tulle and if he attaches the beard maybe his hair will go blue next.
I can't believe she is already 2...seems like she was just wrapped in her blanket in your arms. What a cutie....It is nice to have a little girl as the baby......I was the little girl baby with 3 older brothers....but that may explain why I am the way I am.
Cute pink balloons...Sam.
See you Tuesday night.
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