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Friday, August 8

driving down the highway

We are on are way home from the beach. I am typing this as Skip is driving down the highway. Seriously, modern technology is awesome. I have a wireless device which allows me to surf the web as we drive down the highway. Why on earth would I need to use this? Couldn't I just enjoy the view? Am I missing something as the road passes me by? Probably. I tell my kids constantly to sit back enjoy the ride and the view. They might see something that they have never seen before. In fact when I do see something, like an animal or cool structure and I point it out to them, they miss it because they can't get their heads up from their DS games fast enough. Then they are mad because they missed it. Most of the time now, I don't even bother. Sad.


Suzie Soda said...

Glad you are coming home..we missed you. xoxoxo

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