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Tuesday, March 9

FHE Entertainment!

OKAY......LA, LA,LA,LA,LA........LA, LA, LA, LA, LA, LA.....{ PRINCESS OF ALL TIME!} The girl has never seen a princess movie, yet she channels them?

Blake and Claire worked on the choreography of their Kong Fu fight FOREVER...okay maybe for just an hour or so, but it was a long hour for me.
Throwing each other around the living room, all Choreographed mind you.....that sure takes a load off my mind. Really, Claire loved it. She was giggling { like any true Ninja warrior would}... through the whole thing...so was I!
Jack and Sam were mildly amused..... they tried. It did go on for a while.....I don't know where they get it?
Then they break out the sword choreography.......watching to many Star Wars Extras? Maybe.
You can't tell here, but just a second before this leap Claire was in his way. She did a 360 and was out of there....all part of the plan.
A little magic at the end...... and this is a show that could go on the road. BRAVO!!!! no encores please.
Just a nice bow and smiles all around.......Nobody was hurt in the making of this skit.....THANK GOODNESS!

Just so you know my kitchen did get cleaned up:)


Suzie Soda said...

Your life is a laugh a minute. Love all these stories.

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