Mom,Grabbing Claire by the waist," I am going to eat you up, yum, yum ,yum,... giggle, giggle..." As I naw on Claires arm, tickling her. Claire, pulling away with a serious look on her face" Don't eat my arm. Jesus made this." As she points to her arm in a 'Price is Right' fashion. She smiles!
Claire Ross 2 Yrs, Oct 08
Blake to Sam as we are looking at house plans," What is that room?"askes Blake "That is the master bedroom." says Sam. " I think we should get that room." says Blake. " Mom and Dad get that room." says Sam. " They always get that room." Declares Blake,"We get the servants room. " { How right you are Blake}
Blake Ross 5 yrs, Sam Ross 8 yrs, Aug 08
Claire" I want a drink."Laurene, " Say it nicely." Claire says " I want a drink" , in a very high pitched voice, head tilted to the side , smiling. Laurene,"What is the nice word?" Claire thinks for a second, tilts her head, then says in her best high pitched voice,"HAPPY"
Claire and Laurene Ross, age 2, July 08
Very cute pics! Jack looks so old! I remember him in D.C. as that chubby little mammas boy. Now he is so handsome! And Claire looks like she loves the camera! Very cute! Today it is in the 40's-50's here I think. It has been nice the last couple days! tomorrow it is supposed to get cold again. Yuck...we want spring!
Oh yeah, Morgans hair is never tangle free. It usually has what she ate earlier in it. you know..cereal,syrup, ice cream, peanut butter and jelly. all the good stuff!
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