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Friday, April 4


We live in the woods, right? In the woods there are various types of creatures. Many which I don't care to know about. Well, right about dusk, this little creature, the "Spring Peeper" {A tree frog other wise known as "Pinkletinks"and "Tinkletoes" depending on where you live} starts his mating call. When you listen to this you think "That doesn't sound too bad." Multiply this by about a thousand and you get a Pinkletink chorus. Imagine trying to go to sleep being serenaded by all these frogs. They are quite annoying and no matter how many times I ask them to whisper they don't. RUDE!


Suzie Soda said...

That would be so annoying even if it is in the name of procreation. You learned how to add a video...hooray! I still can't figure out my layout stuff. I need some classes...I am sure Lindsay is tired of being my tutor.
But that is the price she will have to pay after encouraging me to start a blog. Turn the hearts of the children to their fathers.....and mothers.

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