To Blog or Not To Blog?
Why Blog? Good question. I was talking to a good friend last night and we were discussing how much fun it was to Blog. So I started to think about it and thought what am I doing? Is there a point a goal? Look, I know I have to control this part of my life because, as with anything that you get such immediate satisfaction, it can take over your life.
What is the point?
Well, I would say there are several reasons for me.
First: I get to get some of the crazy thoughts that are in my mind down on or in some sort of media. The thoughts are on my daily happenings and are relevant to what my life is full of now, family,church callings, and home school.
Second:I would like to consider this a journal with spiritual as well as temporal thoughts. Hopefully at the end of the year I can publish it for my own record.
Third: I acknowledge that I am not a skilled writer, but the more I write, the better I should become. That is the idea; practice,practice, practice.
Fourth: I feel somewhat connected to other people. I have several friends that blog and I can read about what is happening in their lives and comment. Then in turn they comment back and we get a fun dialogue going. Example: Sherry read Suzi's Blog and saw a comment that I wrote to Suz, clicked on my name and came to my Blog. She found out that my family was ill and came to the rescue {which is great, but the irony is that I Visit Teach her and have yet to be able to really help her.} She is an Angel!
Fifth: I do love the comments. I get an idea of what people think and their different experiences. I have also received great advice from some. So don't just read you looky loo's, let me know your there and comment! No pressure really.
Sixth: I am at home most of the time with my four lovely kids and this gives me a little sanity. It has helped me to see humor in more of my day and also look more for God's hand in my life. Plus I do document with pictures.
I believe there is a purpose and a clear goal. I just have to manage my time wisely and enjoy.
So true...loved all your reasons. We can use blogging as a new visiting teaching tool;) I love your blog....I look foward to seeing it everday and see what you have been up to. I never call you to do anything during the day because I know you are homeschooling and busy with your kids. But I like that I can keep in touch with your life in a more intimate way by seeing things through your eyes. Sooooooooooooooooooo Cool. You are my hero.
I am not sure whose blog to leave the message on...mine or yours. Anyway, if you can ever get a sitter ot leave Jack in charge, you can come with me to the massgae school. it is always on Thursdays at 9 or 10:30am. They do have it in the evening but it is hard to get into then. You have to make appt. in advance, but I could get us 2 together sometime. It is $20 for a full body 1 hour massage. These are the students who are getting ready to graduate so thet are usually pretty good. Let me know.
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