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Sunday, May 18

Visiting Teaching

I have to say I am not the best visiting teacher. I try but life gets in the way and I let it.{ I do know who my sisters are and I do visit them} I just don't do enough. I will work on this, Prayer is probably the best way, I am sure.

We began our annual Visiting Teaching interviews today. As I started each interview or chat out, I started with a prayer. I prayed that the spirit would be there, for each sister that we serve and that we could be an instrument in God's hands to do his work. I also prayed for the particular sister that was there and her family.{this is not in boasting but to illustrate how our Father can help us if we specifically ask} The power of prayer, I can testify is so real. Most of the chats were about five minutes long, but the spirit didn't take long to fill the room. Each sister I spoke with was full of such love and compassion it just overwhelmed me. They each wanted the best for the sister that they served even if it meant a change. As each sister expressed concerns and Joys, you could tell the real meaning of "Charity Never Faileth" has overtaken the Gayton Ward Relief Society.

I love Relief Society. I love that we get to participate in bringing about Christ work here on this earth. What a blessing it is to serve the sisters in the Gayton Ward. I feel so honored to call them sisters.


Suzie Soda said...

I have my interview next week. I love the visiting teaching program too. I have been 100% for 37 years. But i know what you mean....I think we can always do more. I am sure that you are awesome....you try hard at everything. xoxoxo

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