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Thursday, October 2

Cooking with the Curious

Sam is working on his Wolf Achievements. The other day he made us breakfast, lunch and dinner. He is quite helpful in the kitchen. I had to leave for 'Recipe Club', so Skip stepped in to navigate Sam through the chicken cooking and the Macaroni making. Everyone enjoyed his delicious meal.


Sam is also excelling in his reading. He was reading a Curious George story to Blake and Claire the other day and getting almost every word all by himself { I feel like we have jumped over one hurdle and are flying!} The problem came when Sam guessed at a word. Claire, then corrected him and she was right. She didn't even seem to be paying attention. She was kicking her legs about and humming a tune {probably "Popular"}. You see, Claire has heard these stories over and over again at her nap time. She knows them by heart and you can not change the words or she corrects you!


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