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Thursday, October 2

Popular, I'll Help you be Popular!

Claire's favorite songs at the time are respectively, "Popular" from the musical WICKED and the hymn ' Called to Serve' a missionary favorite. She knows both of these by heart and sings them constantly.

This song 'Popular', I mean I too love this song, but the message is a little self serving and even smug. She sings it with such vigor and such conviction that I think she really means it. Should I be worried that my little diva is concerned about being the center of attention.? I guess this is the reality of our family!

Counter to the previous song is 'Called to Serve'. Well, I love this song too and I hope the message of this song is seeping into her "big girl" conscience. I want her serve others and be helpful. She is very loving and always willing to help or share, with one caveat, you must ask her nicely. Some sort of pleasantry is a must; PLEASE, is what does it!


One more thing about my "Little Princess", she will not use any crass words. Although, she will tell you what the indiscreet word is that she does not want to use.

Claire-After dropping her cereal all over the floor and with a heaving sigh, looks up at me and says," We don't say CRAP, do we?" "No, Claire, we don't."


Lewismom said...

I am laughing out loud!!! So nice that she knows these things!

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