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Thursday, November 6

Four Generations

One of our subjects this year for school is Genealogy. It is tied to our history study and writing. We have been having allot of fun so far writing our personal history's and reading Grandma and Grandpa Lewis's personal history. You to can read about their exciting adventures at http://www.thestoriesofourlife.blogspot.com/ . Hopefully they will post more stories if more of you read. It is really enjoyable to hear the kids response to how their Grandparents grew up. So much has changed, yet so much has stayed the same.

Today we did some scrap booking. Each kid has their own personal history book. They really enjoy being so creative. We talked about what four generations means and who all these people are. Blake wanted to know why they weren't around any more. The living forever concept is a hard one to wrap your brain around when you are six. Then I told him that he met Great Grandpa Barnes, he said that guy was way older. Yes, we age Blake. I fight it tooth and nail every day.
For some reason we started the whole activity at the kitchen table. I don't know if it's the proximity to food or just habit, probably food.

We have a perfectly good table in the library{ I love saying that}.... Oh, those bats? They are for when I put the beat down on the kiddos when they get out of line! Maybe that's why they don't want to go in there. Oh ya, I'm a real ........Because of lack of space Sam opted for the floor. So Sam.

Do you see any ants? Those pesky creatures will be the death of me. I blurred out the floor so you can't make out the crumbs. Look, I home school...work or scrap book with the kids? This is all in the name of education. They are doing tons of writing with this project, just not today. Thank you, Mom.

Blake is so meticulous about where it all should go. Everything should be symmetrical. If any thing is off just a smidgen.It really bugs him.

Placement is key. Believe me, I can relate to this kid

Jack has become more creative as he has gotten older. He went for the pop-up family tree.

He was a little frustrated as he tried to figure out how to do it.

He emerged victorious and moved on to the finish. This only took about three hours. He was happy with his work. This makes me happy too.

The finished products made everyone happy. As we rocked out to 'Big Bad Voo Doo Daddy'.

Everyone loves when we do these projects. I think it is part creativity and spending time together talking about our ancestors. They are really beginning to feel a link to the past. I hope, as we work through this year they can feel love and tied to those who have paved the way for their lives.
Sam says he is going to do this for the rest of his life. Hopefully I can get his blog up and going so he can document in the digital world. I am just so thankful for this great resource.


Cristy said...

looks fun and cute! Good job boys!

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