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Wednesday, January 21

A New Day!!

I was determined to watch the inauguration with my kids yesterday. I had a million things to do and was running behind. I turned the TV on at 11:25 thinking I might have missed something, but they were running behind just like me. Great!

Sam stood the whole time. He understood that this was an important event. He wanted to know who each person was, what he did in the government and whose side he was on. To bad I don't know everything. I told him we were all on the same side and that we just go about things in different ways, but we were all for the country. {I am not sure if this was the best answer. Anyone want to help me out with this....anyone, anyone...Claire danced and sang the whole time, which bugged Blake to no end.

I wanted to see President George W. Bush. While he may be the least popular President of all time and I might disagree with many things he did, I still think he deserves respect for taking the office and serving our country. History will tell the story of his presidency. We may think we know everything , but I am sure there is plenty we don't know. I want my kids to know how important the office is. I want them to know we can make a difference. I want them to know this is a great country and to understand what that means.

These pictures are from our TV. I wanted to document what we saw and what we experienced. I was choked up the whole time as I always am for anything patriotic. I was trying to finish some co-op things and thought I could do this while I was listening. I was wrong. I just had to answer questions, take pictures, and take in the historical significance.

The invocation, I thought, was WRITTEN pretty well. When it started we all folded our arms and bowed our heads in reverence. The prayer started and Blake said, "What is this?" " A prayer." I said. "This does not sound like a prayer." said Blake {all while the prayer is being said} "People pray differently." I said " Just Listen." So many opportunities for discussion. I loved that he blessed the first family, this nation and said the Lords prayer.

We all stood for the swearing in. I have to say it was pretty cool. The excitement was electric. The kids felt it and so did I.


Anonymous said...

How did you explain the closing prayer. That guy could rhyme....I'll pay anyone, good money, to get up in church oh Sunday and say a prayer like that....

Keryn said...

We all stood for the oath of office, too! My kiddos were less than interested in the whole event--but considering the oldest is just five, what do I expect? I wish I had thought to take pictures, though.

Lewismom said...

I'm so glad that you made such an event of it. After all it was HISTORICAL! Now that I think of it, every inauguration is historical but this is the first time we have elected a black president.

Cristy said...

Yeah...how did you explain the benediction? I didn't think I would watch but I did and thought how great it was that we have the country we do. I'm just scared for us in the next couple years. I just read online that he already lifted the ban on giving federal money to groups that help with Abortion. Nice to see he has his priorities.
No, we're not all on the same side. n
It's not a democrat/ republican thing. Sorry we're all Americans but we're not all fighting for the same things.

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