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Wednesday, June 24

Never Heard of it? ...Now You Have!

We are living in an apt. that is not tiny by the worlds standard. Three bedrooms, small kitchen and a living area. We have comfortable beds with all manner of bedding. We are guest of Skip's Company for the next couple weeks and have been for the past few and we do have indoor plumbing. For all these things I am eternally grateful. I realise so many are not blessed with such abundance........the one bathroom thing is quite challenging though.

I was little when we lived in a house, probably this same size, with one bathroom, seven kids plus mom and dad and cloth diapers {believe me this is a huge factor in the bathroom problem. I am talking early seventies here, no service, not the cool green diapers they have now. Which I would still never use, because I am a wimp!}

Sometimes, with a little girl, and maybe this would happen with a little boy too - she seems to have to go the minute you get in there. Come on it's like the Pavlov theory. It is ridiculous. Even when she doesn't need to be in there she bangs on the door.

Like most moms I need my quite time and lets face it, sometimes the minute or two that you are in the little girls room maybe the only solace you get all day. It seems not so for me. In this small apt. the kiddos can locate me, ask their questions in rapid fire succession and need me to locate the most random things the minute I close the powder room door.

Claire will knock until I let her in... for the love of Pete, I can only take so much knocking and questioning. Like a fool I think if I let her in the small throne room she might give me a break, smile at herself in the mirror, sing a song to herself, maybe ignore me all together. Then today for instance she wants to play store with me...really? Are you kidding me? I guess I had it coming, I mean I am a captive audience. She hands me a clip for her hair, tells me it is a credit card, and that I will be purchasing hair products - all while I am sitting there minding my own business. {sorry if this is to graphic} There is no way out. I try to play it down with short answers, no eye contact and your basic Mom ignoring tricks. She will have none of it. " I am here to organize your stuff ." she declares to me as she grabs me by the cheeks and looks me straight in the eye. {I am directly at her level} " Give me your credit card please....there, doesn't that look nice." She is lining up all the hair products on the radiator and giving me a cheesy smile just like a salesman. All I can say is "Yes, thank you." And then I high tale it out of there... after a five minute session of washing hands which she proudly participates in. NO Solace in the bathroom for me I will have to search else where!!!


One more short tidbit on my three going on thirty little girl. Have you ever had a child ask you a question. One that you have an answer for and then you give the answer and they say no that's not it.

Well, the other night as we were getting ready for prayer {which is like wrangling wild mustang} I am having a conversation with Claire. She is telling me all about a girl in a movie that is an aprentine. I say "Apprentice?" She says " No an aprentine." I say ,"I think you mean she was an apprentice." " No, an APRENTINE." She declares with much emphasis. I say, "Oh, well I have never heard of an aprentine." To which she replies with a teaching smile on her face, "Well, now you have!."


Heather Payne said...

Sooo glad you're back in the blogosphere! Your adventures brighten my day. Someday you'll have all this journaled to use as evidence against Claire when her little girl drives her crazy! Then you'll be an expert, not an aprentine! :-)

Billie said...
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Billie said...

You got me laughing Laurene!

Keryn said...

That Claire! She's brilliant, and very adorable.

Suzie Soda said...

I mss her. She is too , too funny. Post a post with her singing again. I will forever have her "hairy......................story etched in my mind.xoxo

Lewismom said...

I pictured myself back in the bathroom off our bedroom in Cape Girardeau. (MO) It was far away from the bustling CROWD and we had 2 other bathrooms larger than ours but come what may...you guessed it. Every time I went in the bathroom and closed the door, there was a knock or a loud conversation on the other side of the door or someone NEEDED to use the facilities. It's an unwritten law, when a mom goes into the restroom, someone HAS to knock on the door. I'm surprised you haven't heard that Laurene.
That said, I read the B of M all the way through, for the first time, in that little bathroom. (With the door closed)
I DO remember the one bathroom we had in CA though. Dad always complained that when he got home from work, there was inevitably a cloth diaper, in the toilet, that he had to rinse out before he could use the facilities. Heh, heh, heh, WE HAVE OUR WAYS! Hang in there kid.

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