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Friday, June 26

It Is Not About The Bread

Okay these pictures have nothing whatsoever to do with what I am writing about, except it does have to do with Blake,my mighty warrior!

Blake doesn't mince words he always tells it like it is. When I say Blake you shouldn't say that, because we are in public and he might be hurting someones feelings...He just smiles and bows his head a little and says, but it's true. It may be true , but one does not always state the truth for the whole world to hear. Some things are to be discussed in private.

Two Sunday's ago as we sat in Sacrament meeting, on the second row from the front, right where the Bishopric has a good eye line with us and a good earshot too, Blake says to me in a not so quiet voice, during the sacrament, after the bread has been passed, " I don't like this Ward. We should leave." Blake." I say in a hushed whisper " Be quiet and think about Jesus." {my standard answer}

Then he says louder and kind of whiny "I don't like this Ward." " Blake, shhhhh." I say { the Bishop is looking right at us} as I begin to think what on earth has brought this all on? Has some one been mean to him? This is only our second time visiting here and I was with him the whole time last week, because of his crippling shyness. Then he says in another whiny voice "The bread here is terrible." "What are you talking about?" I think.

He can see me confusion and says," The Sacrament bread, it is bad. You said last week that maybe someone made homemade bread for the sacrament and that this week it would be different." It is all coming back to me and as I look up I see the Bishop smile at me. I smile back.

Last weeks bread was some what different, true....." I don't like it." he says again. " It is not about the bread. Think about Jesus honey." I say. We finish with the rest of the Sacrament. The Bishop stands up and looks at us and smiles. I am ready for him to announce the speakers. Instead he says," Some of you are new to this Ward and may have noticed our bread for the Sacrament has a different texture....{this is where I want to crawl under the pew and disappear. He heard the whole conversation} We have several people in the ward that are allergic to gluten, so we try to accommodate them." he smiles again "It is a small thing, but it insures that we all can participate in this ordinance."

How nice I think. Blake frowns, " I don't like the bread." he whispers. "It is not about the bread." I say again. This time with a better understanding.


Keryn said...

What a lovely post, Laurene. (I feel your embarrassment. Children are so...blunt, aren't they?) It isn't about the bread, is it? And what wonderful pictures; I can't believe how old he looks!

Emily said...

Wow - with all the "comments" my children have "whispered" during church, I'm not sure any have induced a statement from the pulpit. Congratulations! I am very impressed that YOU didn't want to leave! How funny (in hindsight)!

Maryann said...

Since I have some experience with GF bread, I'm going to agree with Blake. Shane totally would have said something from the pulpit. Like "I'm so down with you G-Force", or something similar. Something totally appropriate and reverent.

Laurene Ross said...

We really couldn't leave. It is the only ward on the Island. It is an Island for Heavens Sake! No where to run, they would find me no matter what I crawled under.

You gotta love kids they always seem to say what you are thinking.

Suzie Soda said...

Too funny. Write that in your journal....I guess this is your journal. He will tell his kids someday.xoxoxo

Brossettelewis said...

We used to have good bread in our ward then the lady moved. I don't like our new bread either but I will tough it out for the sake of our eternal progression. :)

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