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Wednesday, June 24

Old Eyes!

I am trying to finish some posts about our move here to Seattle, but I can't quite get them done.

I know I am getting older and my eyes are not what they once were....for that matter none of me is! The blush is fading on this old rose.

I went shopping with Skip on Saturday for some clothes. We were mostly looking for him. I had it in my mind that if we had time I would try to find a summer sweater or jacket to go with a black skirt I have. It was 9:30PM and the stores were still open as we were walking back to the car. I spotted ANNE TAYLOR and they were having a sale. I said lets stop in here and check it out. I hate shopping and I like to get in and out as fast as possible. I went immediately to the sale racks. I looked for a minute and nothing really caught my eye. I thought," Try one more time through the rack." I found a cute, white, short, box cut jacket, which was too small. I kept looking and could not find my size, but I did find my size in black.

I was very happy. Ten minutes tops and we were out of there. I felt good about the purchase, 70% off what a deal! When we got home tried it on with my skirt and it was pretty cute. I thought tomorrow I will look pretty darn good.

Sunday I dressed, checked myself out in the mirror, asked Skip if I looked okay and away we went. { of course I did dress, feed, comb, and generally make sure the kids were ready for our trek to church.} It is a trek .....

We are going to be moving to a place called Bainbridge Island, but right now we are living on Mercer Island. The first week we were here we attended the Ward here and the members were so excited to have a new family. I felt bad about giving them false hope and since I had already been in touch through e-mail with like half the Ward over on Bainbridge, I thought we might as well go over there till we move. The tricky thing is that in order to get there you must take the ferry. What an adventure...the first couple times.

We need to leave by 8:15 to catch the 8:45 ferry to get to our 10:00 meeting on Bainbridge. It is getting a little old. I think the kids love it every time though. Are we nuts or just devout? I wanted the kids to get to know the teachers and kids in the Ward especially since Jack and Sam will attend scout camps with these kids in a couple of weeks.

Back to my clothing story....So I am sitting in church, looking around smiling at ward members I have been introduced to, feeling good about my wardrobe choice and thinking were here in this new ward , new setting , trying to fit in and I have the church bag, wet wipes, tissue...do I have tissue? I look down and catch a glimpse of my cute coat laying against my cute skirt and there is something wrong. The colors don't match. At first I think," Ah, two different blacks I can deal with that..not my favorite but I can deal. Then I realise it goes beyond black. One material is jet Black and one is a beautiful deep shade of NAVY. Dang-it how could I have missed this. As I stare at the jacket it seems to get more navy by the minute. It is like some magical spell has over taken the coat and it is changing before my eyes. Pretty soon it is so obvious to me I really don't want to get up. I think did I iron the whole blouse I am wearing underneath this coat or just the part that is going to show....Please, I know most people have done this..... I remember, yes, I ironed the whole thing. I will just take it off.

You may think, "Laurene you are a basket case." And I would say," Yes ,yes I am." The thing is I wear long sleeves for a reason, I am cold all the time, but this time I just couldn't take wearing my navy, navy jacket with a jet black cotton skirt. I went for the white blouse and froze. Really, they should mark in these clothes what color they are. On the bright side, now I have a cute new navy jacket that I need to find something to wear with.


Keryn said...

Ha ha ha! Laurene, you make me laugh. I have SO done the whole iron-just-the-parts-you-see trick. I hate ironing.

Well, I guess you now have an excuse to buy something else, to go with the new jacket! AND a BLACK jacket for the black skirt.

Lewismom said...

Laurene, didn't I teach you any better than that? What a crack up! (Is crack up an old fashioned saying?) Well, I got a laugh out of your blog anyway. Thanks, I needed that!

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