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Saturday, March 6

Beautiful Guilt

Thank you to Blake, Sam and Claire for taking all the pillows off the couch and LEAVING them in a nice little pile. It really adds to the ambiance of the living room and makes sitting on the couches so much more comfortable. At least all the Lego's are picked up.

Between everything that was going on today, I watched a Blue Jay build it's nest, saw a Humming bird, was loving the warmth of the sun and wishing I could be out running on this gorgeous day.

Today, Blake and I went on a field trip to a master guitar maker. The field trip was about 30 min long and I am not sure if the kids really liked it, Blake was on the fence. I was really fascinated by it, but the guy wasn't really set up for a group of kinder/1st graders. Blake is studying wood in his science class, thus a man that works with wood.

Then on to a check up for Blake and he is doing pretty good. We elevated one end of his bed and haven't had an episode for a month, so that is great!

Serious slave labor here. Look, the girl loves to help me. She is all over getting the laundry upstairs and bringing it down the stairs to go in the washer. Who am I to stop her?

Skip stayed home from work today to get ready for a camp out/bike ride with Jack.{I spend any free time today talking to Jack about why he really doesn't want to go on this trip..ie..he can't sleep well on these camp outs, he hasn't really gelled with anyone yet, he doesn't think he can ride the ride physically......I try to reassure him on all these points and feel bad that he feels bad.}

Skip said he stayed home to get everything together, which included buying a new bike. Now we all have bikes. Now he gets go riding with us..whahhahhahha....

I forgot about feeding the Missionary's tonight. Lucky for me they called. I was in the midst of trying to find a few things that Skip could not locate for his outing, while doing Math with Blake and Sam, doing dishes, laundry, keeping Claire happy, and then getting Jack to his trumpet lesson, driving him to the church to go on the camp out (Skip was there waiting and watching, as someone was attempting to attach a bike rack to our Van...they did it! Asking me if Fed-Ex had come with his new sleeping bag and bike helmet, I have no idea I haven't been home in the past 45 min. I will call if it came when I get home. ) I kissed Jack goodbye and headed home.

I made an executive decision that Sam, Blake and Claire would go with me to the store to get the food to make some dinner for the Missionary's. The kid's had been left home three times already today for short spurts, but each time I returned home the reports on what had happened while I was gone were not stellar. So off we went. We flew through the market. I had an hour and a half to make everything and get it to the church for them.( Skip wasn't here, so they really couldn't come for dinner. This made for some interesting conversation with my boys.) I made Chili with chips, guacamole, cheese and sour cream. Of course as I am making it I realize I am out of cumin and cilantro, so I run back to the Market without the kids. I think it will be fast, but I didn't think of ferry traffic...dang! I get home, throw it together, with the homemade cookies (which were not awesome, not even close!) and met them at the church. I looked at them and then at the food and thought," This is not enough food, I am so lame." I schedule them for Sunday dinner........guilt is......it just is..... I come home feed the kids and watch a movie with them. They are loving it, because it has been 3 1/2 weeks since the TV has been on.

This is my kitchen. It is 11:30 PM. I tell myself, first of all it's Jack's night for dishes. Doesn't really fly, Jack is not even here. Okay.....If I do the dishes it might wake the kids....I can live with that? Not really.......I leave the room and do a lot of self talk.

What is good about this picture at 11:30 at night? The clothes on the chair ARE folded.....I tried to think of something else.....pretty much a mess.....again with the self talk. I grab my computer and head upstairs.

I run into this little number. Thanks a lot. I would have loved to run today in the warm sun enjoying the beauty, but no. Now go away and let me eat my chocolate chips in peace....for heavens sake I don't need this kind of guilt................ I still have to get Claire up to use the restroom, goodnight!


Jenny said...

Are you a Gretchen type runner, or a Jenny & Brooke type runner? :-)

If you're the Jenny & Brooke type (3 to 5 miles, 10 to 11 mins. a mile, avoiding big hills) we should figure out a time to run together. If you're the Gretchen type (training for a marathon, crazy fast, super strong) then have fun with that!

Laurene Ross said...

I am a run when you can, walk if you have too and feel good about it type of runner. My family is going to run in a 10K, so I am attempting to get Jack and I ready for that:)

Kate said...

Whos a "Katie type" runner then?
Run when you can, run half a mile...walk half a mile.......stop to look at things on the side of the road runner?
I need a running companion for me!

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