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Wednesday, February 13

Time for Bed- Fred!

My least and most favorite part of the day BEDTIME!! When I first had Jack, my oldest,now eleven, I said I will read and read to this kid. That was when the bed time ritual started. So for eleven years we go through the same thing almost every night; Brush teeth (does anyone know a fast way to do this with three boys) then use the restroom( of which someone always forgets and we are up at 2:00 am,usually Blake) Then we read our scriptures, write in our journal, and say our prayers. After this-yes there is more- we read stories for at least 20 mins. It does get complicated with four, Jack's stories are more mature than what Blake and Sam need {luckily they enjoy the same stuff} Claire is a whole other ball game, she is separate and in another room. We read to her about four or five short board books, sing her a song, and then she is off to lala land with much protest,but she does lay down and much to my surprise pulls her own covers up ( is this a girl thing or just survival of being one of the last, my boys never pulled thier own covers up, I always had to go in later after they were asleep and cover their shivering bodies up) I know this sounds like alot but the reason I do enjoy it is because this is when they really open up and talk{ I know what your thinking STALLING} Maybe, but I do find out some wonderful things at this time of day. So I try to take my time in a way. Once they are asleep, I wallow in the Quiet peace. It doesn't last long. Noise I guess is a part of a family I just need it turned down sometimes.


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