Mom,Grabbing Claire by the waist," I am going to eat you up, yum, yum ,yum,... giggle, giggle..." As I naw on Claires arm, tickling her. Claire, pulling away with a serious look on her face" Don't eat my arm. Jesus made this." As she points to her arm in a 'Price is Right' fashion. She smiles!
Claire Ross 2 Yrs, Oct 08
Blake to Sam as we are looking at house plans," What is that room?"askes Blake "That is the master bedroom." says Sam. " I think we should get that room." says Blake. " Mom and Dad get that room." says Sam. " They always get that room." Declares Blake,"We get the servants room. " { How right you are Blake}
Blake Ross 5 yrs, Sam Ross 8 yrs, Aug 08
Claire" I want a drink."Laurene, " Say it nicely." Claire says " I want a drink" , in a very high pitched voice, head tilted to the side , smiling. Laurene,"What is the nice word?" Claire thinks for a second, tilts her head, then says in her best high pitched voice,"HAPPY"
Claire and Laurene Ross, age 2, July 08
That is SO cute. What a creative little guy!
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