No Phone
We are renting and the house we live in sits on some land that is being developed into a subdivision. The workers continually cut, dig up , and tear through my phone line. ( Not to mention my water and septic) This is the eighth time in six weeks. I want to scream at them. But no, I have been polite . The phone co. is getting frustrated with them too. Three times ago the phone guy, let's just call him Frank (That is his name and I do have his personal cell phone number which I used today) Frank decided, since it was pouring down rain the best thing to do with my phone line was to go up( the ground was saturated and not easy to dig in) So up went the phone line into the tip top of the trees(they grow them tall here) Well these guys today ripped it down. I don't know why???? You would think after all my polite conversations they could at least come and tell me so I could call the phone Co., They sure aren't going to do it. No,No, No.... I have to wait tell I go to make a call to see that I have no Phone. The last time we didn't figure it out for four days. We had about a dozen voice mails. People didn't know what to think...... I might just jump on one of their loaders and go crazy.
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