Camp out Talks Good or Too Much? Let Me know.
Last night as I was driving home from scouts and discussing a camp out with Jack. This will be Jacks first camp out, his first sleepover ever. I decided this would be a good time to talk to Jack about things that can happen on these type of outings. I told him that he would have fun and that he would learn many knew things. Camping I told him is fun and he would be able to get closer to the other boys in the troop as they do different things and pass off their requirements. Then I told him that sometimes things that aren't appropriate get introduced at camp outs and sleepovers. I proceeded to remind him of the talk that Skip and him had about a year and a half ago { Birds and the Bees} . I told him that sometimes boys who are trying to be cool or fit in may talk about, tell jokes or bring pictures of things that are not cool, sometimes they might use swear words. I asked if he understood and he said not really. I am glad for this but, at the same time it makes it harder to explain. So I said sometimes the world takes things that are sacred and makes fun of them, like women's bodies. This is what Satan wants. Our bodies are sacred and should never be joked about or be in pictures that would make us uncomfortable. We talked about David and Bathsheba and also Joseph and Potifers wife and the different choices they made. I told him to flee when temptation is near just like Joseph. I said he could try to change the subject or suggest that they do something different. I told him if he gets teased or called a baby to go with it and say in a laughable way "yes I am a baby so don't swear in front of me" I said you don't need to be self righteous or act better than them, but do stand tall and hold your ground. If you do the holy ghost will always be with you and quicken your mind so you know what to say.
We also talked about practical jokes. Sometimes they are funny and sometimes they are not. You have to decide is the joke on someone weak, would they feel embarrassed or mad. You have to think would you want the joke played on you. Sometimes it is harmless and funny then it is OK. He understood this. I told him, again live by the spirit and you will know.
We also talked about being an instrument in the Lord's hand. That as he is kind and "Christ Like" to others he can lead by example. I told him that in his daily personal scripture study between now and next Friday he can prepare himself for the camp out by praying and searching the scriptures for answers to questions he may have or just to have the right frame of mind to be able to have a good time at the camp out.
This conversation took about 10 minutes. As I was finishing up Jack started to laugh. I wondered why and then I realized Skip had come out of the house to see what were we doing and was staring at us. We came in and I listened to Jacks prayers and tucked him in. Then Skip asked me what were you talking about. I told him I was just scaring the life out of our son. He said great... I asked Jack if he was nervous he said a little but that he was excited at the same time. I think Skip thinks I went over board but, I say I'm supposed to help Jack through life so I am doing what I can to guide him and then let him go and make his own decisions. We will see.
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