You Know You have A Girl When..........
-She finds the lip stick you hid and puts it on for the fifth time this week, but look how good she is getting and with out a mirror too!
- She sings about everything { The CARRRR ISS DRivvvv ING.... WEEEE STOOOOPPED!!}
-She notices all the clothes I wear no matter how old or tatter and torn and says ooooo! Nice shirt. I Like It!
- She twirls for the sake of twirling.
-When she sits she always crosses her legs.
- She says I am a girl, You are a girl, but Daddy is not a girl.
She does pick up on alot; I was sitting at the computer and she was coming down the stairs saying, " Mom be happy, Mom be happy, Mom be happy." Over and over all the way down the stairs. I say this to her sometimes. I said without looking up, "OK, I am happy." Then she stands in front of me and says, " Look not on hands." I look up from the computer at Claire and you guessed it, lipstick! But not on hands and almost perfectly applied{ no lip liner} I guess this week there has been times when I have not been happy about the lipstick. Claire thought it was the lipstick on the hands, so I should be happy that she was clean. I did have to laugh.
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