All I can say is, "Whew!"
Really, I am just about done with today. It was not a bad day, just a half day.
1. The dishes are half way done.{ ran out of hot water}
2. We got half our people caroled too and delivered.{ Skip not home in time}
3. Jack and I got half the trash out.{ found some more bags in the garage, they will wait till next Monday,YUCK.}
4.Half of the Math got done today.{ Jack counts as two.}
5.I did get four dozen cookies made{ Delivered} Four loafs of bread made{ three quarters delivered}
6. Four loads of laundry half folded half on my bed waiting to be folded.{ these will most likely end up in a basket or on the floor at the end of my bed.}
7. Claire made it to the bathroom, half the time? Maybe three quarters of the time? I don't know, she goes about every ten minutes and going to the bathroom with her takes about 5-7 minutes.
No wonder I am done with this day, I have been in the bathroom for most of the day and my hands are chapped from washing them so many times and doing the dishes by hand. I forgot why I despise potty training. It consumes you and then you have to have all this energy to cheer the little princess on. No wonder I am zapped and want to cry...... Give me a moment.. Okay I've pulled it together... Goodnight!
I saw you nodding off and falling asleep at the baptism on Sunday. You need a break supermom!!! I'm gonna tell Skip to put "A Break" in your stocking...
This too will pass......then you will be my age and just as busy somehow. A woman's work is never done.
Hope you get your tree up tommorrow. xoxoxo
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