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Saturday, December 27

Lego's and Pony's

Are you having the Christmas blues yet. I always get a little melancholy after the first few days after Christmas have past. It seems all the work up and adrenalin to the big day leaves my system dragging. Plus the debris, wrappings, plastic ties, bows and ribbons, candy wrappers and those dang Lego's.

Truly, they do hurt your feet. Just look at this Darth Vader, you think light sabers aren't real. Wait till you get one in the bottom of the foot. It really hurts. I think this little guy is secretly laughing at me.

These are the big guys. You may think,"Can't you see those pretty well." Not at night in the dark. Not when they are just waiting for you on the hallway floor, in the dead of night, when you half asleep stumbling down the hall to a crying child.

And I thought these tiny little toys were limited to the boys. I could be so lucky! Thank you Aunt Maryann { whom Claire worships from a far. Seriously, every time she uses the potty she wants to call her. Not a day goes by that she doesn't mention her... at least a thousand times. I'm serious} for these tiny little pony pieces and yes they do hurt when you step on them too!

Look at that pointy hat just waiting for the bottom of my foot. I do have to thank Riley and Meckenzie for preventing the onslaught of Polly Pockets that could have been my destiny. Do you know how many tiny parts these toys have, plus I would be forever dressing and undressing them. Bless you two girls for mentioning this to your mom.

So I will pick up. Clean up and straighten up. Hopefully not vacuum up all the little pieces along the way.


Suzie Soda said...

I know what you mean...cleaning it all up is a drag.
I am only going to do a little at a time. xoxoxo

George and Eva Ross said...

It brings back memories! This too will pass.

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