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Thursday, March 19

Co-op Fun!

Our home school Co-op experience this semester has been so fun. The kids are learning about The Civil War, Geography, and the Human Body. Claire's little schoolers class has been studying nature and she is loving it too. Before we start our unit studies we sing, say the pledge, have a prayer and then the hosting family shares some sort of presentation with the group. We have been into poetry lately. Especially poems for two or four voices. Jack and I read the poem, Claire and Blake were the Chrysalises? {sp} that turned into butterflies and Sam was the stage hand that changed the stage into different seasons. We had fun and it was funny too.

Here we are carving out scenes from the battles in The Civil War on to blocks of wood to print in news papers. They didn't put photos in papers at that point in time. We were also studying Germany. They made a topographical map of the country with clay. Hands and table were pretty messy, but they were all smiles!


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