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Thursday, August 27

Relax You Are Fine

Here is my brave young warrior Blake. { Did you know Blake means Warrior? "Dark Warrior" or "Warrior of Light" depending on which baby book you look at. I prefer the latter.} Blake is getting ready to go under the drill. Blake does not know this yet. Nor does Blake know he is about to get a shot in the mouth. Blake does not know shots HURT! Blake's Mom did not tell him how she despises going to the dentist. She is keeping this a secret. Blake is a happy camper.
Ah yes, a very giddy happy camper. Blake can barely control his giddiness. Blake's Mom is trying not to bust up at the sight of him. Blake legs and arms are rolling all over the place. Blake thinks this is hilarious. Blake gets two shots, eye's get big, and then he smiles and flashes the I love you ASL sign. Blake declares over and over " I am so relaxed..giggle, giggle..." More I LOVE YOU signs.
Blake made it through the dentist visit without a hitch. Blake doesn't even remember the shots. Blake wants to know where we can get some of that cool gas. Blake's Mom shakes her head.


This was my first experience with one of my kids getting a filling. I despise the dentist visit. I am so stressed, my body is so ridged, and I am an emotional wreck by the time they get done. Standing there listening and watching were almost to much for me. I wanted to walk out so many times, but I self talked my way into staying in the room with this sweet guy. I am a wimp, but totally glad I stayed.

The Dentist was awesome with Blake.


Kate said...

You are such a cutie. I feel so much better knowing that another mom frets just as I do. Maybe we just love ours more than most... or maybe we are a bit psychotic? Nevertheless, we love like no other. xoxo-Kk

Nicole said...

Did you know grown-ups can get the cool gas too?! (;

Jenny said...

Dr. Russell? He's awesome! We went through the same thing for Ben a few months ago. The gas was great. I can't imagine him having to go through that without it.

Laurene Ross said...

Yes, Dr Russell, he was great.

Nicole, do you think they would give it to me while I watch? It might help me to relax..LOL...

Suzie Soda said...

I had nitrous oxide once. I was crazy and kept telling a joke about the wide-mouthed fly to the whole room.

Laurene Ross said...

Suzie, I would pay to see you on Nitrous oxide....lol... you are a kick with out it I can't even wrap my mind around how you would be with it:o

Brossettelewis said...

I'm glad you {and he} did well.

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