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Friday, March 19

.....Looking Back

If you look at the top right hand corner of my page you will see where I used to twitter. I stopped exactly a year ago. Why? I don't know. I think FB and blogging are really all I can do; and because I used to tweet I know what I was doing on this day one year ago:) What were you doing?

I lived in VA and was visiting the beautiful Maymont Park on a spectacular spring day. My friend Beth and her kids were with us. We had a blast, except for the five minutes in which Blake was lost.....extremely hilly place, lots of trees......I was enjoying the beauty and Blake was not really paying attention.....so there you go.

I was also preoccupied with finding a job for Skip. The lead we had at this time was with a company called Cricket. I received a phone call in the park from the lead Hr person in the area. Nothing came of it, but I had to put my hope somewhere......Anyway, I miss Richmond, it's beauty, and my dear, dear friends. At least twice a week my boys and Claire played with Beth's kids and Beth and I could visit. That my friends is hard to not miss.

Don't get me wrong I am loving it here. I am making new friends slowly, watching as my kids struggle to make new friends too. There are a lot of great people here and I am always amazed at how divine providence works, but some days you just wish.......I know, If wishes were fishes......who came up with that anyway?

"Bloom where you are planted," another great one. I am trying to. I have had Recipe Club for five months now. It's going....fare......no one's fault, it just hasn't worked out how I had hoped. I might have to rework my thinking on it. It is hard to duplicate perfection.....thanks Suz you are awesome.

Well, Back to life. Back to reality. To tell the truth, it is a pretty great place to live and my kids and I have had some experiences we never would have had in VA. We are together, we have the Gospel and we have a job. Life goes on and we roll with the punches and soar with Eagles when we can.....I wonder where I will be next year?


Brooke said...

I have 100% empathy for you on this. I still (3 1/2 years later) get pangs of grief and longing for my home/friends/life in Turkey. I keep hoping I'll get over it & move on, but I wonder if I ever will.

We are very blessed to live in a wonderful community - great people, beautiful scenery, so many opportunities available. I try to remember that when I'm pouting with homesickness.

As for Recipe Club - I sure hope you don't give up on it just yet. I love the idea and I'll put forth an extra effort to help make it work.

We sure love having you here, Laurene. I look forward to getting to know you and your family better.

Suzie Soda said...

Well we miss you here too. You left a hole. But that is a good thing I guess.... that we don't soon forget you.
As time goes on, Seattle will become more home to you. Sometimes things are never quite the same and we have to live in the memories. I wish you could at least come back for a visit. You know how pretty the spring is here. Hang in there with recipe club...our's has changed faces many many times. I think I have been doing it for 7 years now. The people are the magic. You just need a "Laurene" to move-in. xoxo

Ashton said...

Ok, you made me cry...
We just keep on hoping, that somehow, you'd be able to move back. I know it's wishful thinking-- but MAYBE? right? We DO miss hanging out with you guys SO much.
Ethan just started his own business, and he keeps saying that Sam and Blake would be great business partners. Yes, they would be...
And good playmates, and good adventurers, and lego-building friends, and good scout-buddies, etc., etc., etc...
Come HOME! Please? Pretty Please? With a cherry on top?!

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